Thursday, July 16, 2009

Guaranteed Web Trafic by Increased SERP Equals Increased Traffic

Building a successful online business takes time and dedication. As the entrepreneur you must learn the basics of page rank and SERP. Your search engine results placement is nearly as important as your page rank itself.So you need guaranteed source of targeted web traffic

Your business must be discovered by your target audience. Success means improving your traffic and page views.One of the top traffic secret is by increasing the popularity of your webpage by following a few of the steps we outline here for you.

The most important thing to keep in mind is diligence. It takes time and effort to increase your SERP, but it's worth it. Every good thing in life is worth working and waiting for.

Submit Your Site to Free Directories

Submit your web address and basic business information to free website directories. Perform a search for website directories with any search engine like Google or Yahoo. Submit your site's information to as many as possible.

Write Articles Yourself for Free

Whatever your business, you know it better than anyone else. Write several articles about your website or product. Write a captivating "About the Author" section to invite the reader to click. Submit your articles to free article directories. Hire a writer if you can't write articles yourself.

Edit your own work thoroughly and ask a friend to proofread it for you. Be sure to use spell check. Punctuation or grammar problems don't go very far in showing people you're an expert. People will trust what you have to say if you take the simple step to proofread.

Use clear and descriptive keywords when writing. Keywords that convey your topic must be placed in strategic points in your articles. For example, if you're posting a recipe for homemade brownies a good title would be "Our Favorite Homemade Brownie Recipe." A less effective title would be "Our Favorite Dessert."

It's important to know that most people don't know you. Use this to your advantage when beginning to submit articles. Tell people who you are, where you're from, and how you got started with online business.

Write about each aspect of your business, no matter how small. People love articles that outline specifics like why you started an online business. Write about the processes you went through. Tell people what's enjoyable to you about your product.

Each article, newsletter and blog post must show your enthusiasm about what you do. Win your reader's trust and business with honesty, knowledge and enthusiasm. Those three key emotions bring more traffic and increase sales more than any other.

Search for Relevant Blogs

Find online forums and blogs that pertain to your subject matter. Begin your own discussions about your site on forums and comment on messages left by others on blogs. Share your knowledge about the products or services you promote.

Blog, Blog, Blog

Find several blogs that contain similar content to your site. Simply add constructive comments to the posts. Always add your link back to your site somewhere in the comment.

Some blogs don't allow links within the body of comments. Most blog software does, however, require your name and URL. Make the most of that option.

Once you begin to participate in several blog communities, you'll find many active bloggers. Build relationships with people who are active on a variety of blogs. Invite them to add a link to your site and offer to do the same for them.

You Need a Business Blog

Every business needs a blog. Your business blog tells people about products and services you offer. Post a link to your blog in emails, newsletters, forums and other related blogs. Encourage people to comment. Create a sense of community by asking the reader's opinions.

Regular Participation in Online Forums is Vital

When you begin searching for forums to increase your SERP, don't let that effort go to waste. Bookmark the pages you have visited and visit a few times a week. Respond to every comment about your business or products.

Cover Topics That Need Attention

Certain topics that don't get a lot of attention in a forum need you. Choose to answer people's questions or participate in topics that have yet to generate a lot of interest. This builds your creditability as you help others.

Invite Your Friends or Trusted Bloggers to Write for You

Friends you talk to regularly can help you advertise in forums and blogs. Simply ask people you know to go to blogs you participate in and write about your site. Ask them to give an exclusive angle associated with your niche.

Jim Slader manages the affiliate program at Article Marketer, the largest article distribution service on the Internet. Earn commissions on a product that virtually sells itself; become an Article Marketer Affiliate today. Learn how to get backlinks with articles here.

guaranteed web traffic: traffic secret

guaranteed web traffic: targeted website traffic

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Guaranteed Web Traffic 5 Top Traffic Secret To Get Better Results From Search Engine Marketing

Are you struggling to get conversion from your search engine marketing campaign? If yes, you should read this article. Search engine marketing is more than just bidding keywords and placing some ads on Google and Yahoo. It is a way to get guaranteed targeted web traffic.If you want to get better results from it, you need to take a look at other important things.

Here are 5 top traffic secret to increase your conversion and get more sales from search engine marketing:

1. Target the right people and bid on the right keywords. Before you launch your campaign, spend some time to really understand who your target audience is. Put yourself in their shoes and find out what keywords they will use to look for your product or service. Then bid on those keywords. By doing this, you will ensure that your campaign is bringing the right group of people to your website.

2. Work on your landing pages. A lot of people conclude that search engine marketing is not effective without spending some time to look at their own websites. Search marketing can only bring you the right people to your website. To convert them to customers, the content on your website must do the work. Therefore, you need to work on your copywriting so that your offer is good enough to entice them to take action. Place call-to-action statements such as "Call us at 12345567" on key areas of your web page to make them contact you.

3. Set your campaign objective. What do you want to achieve with this search marketing campaign? Do you want to get more inquires through phone and email? Sale inquires may not be applicable to all websites. For example, if you run a forum or portal, your objective should be getting visitors to spend more time on your website. In this case, you need to take Average Time Spend on Site as an objective and try to improve it.

4. Review your campaign regularly. Look at your analytics report to determine which area you need to beef up. Don't advertise blindly.

5. Set the right budget for your campaign. Setting a wrong budget may hurt your campaign. For example, if you are running ads on Google and you set a daily budget of $10, your ads will be taken down once the daily budget runs out. In some competitive market, this can mean that your ads will only be live for an hour only. You are losing a lot of traffic here. I will advise you not to set a limit for the first 3 days and see the demand of the market. This will allow you to know how much budget it will take to run your ads 24 hours a day.

Cheow Yu Yuan is the co-founder of OOm, an online marketing agency that specializes in search marketing, providing search marketing services such as PPC Advertising.

Find out more about Search Marketing at

guaranteed web traffic: instant traffic

guaranteed web traffic: instant traffic

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